The Power of Grace: Understanding the Message of Salvation According to the Apostles of Jesus Christ

Grace, according to the apostles of Jesus Christ, is a central concept in the gospel message. It is the unmerited favor and love of God towards humanity, demonstrated through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. It is the means by which we are saved and made right with God.

There are different definitions and operations of grace, depending on the context in which it is used. In some cases, grace is seen as a form of communication, which brings illumination (knowledge) and enlightenment (understanding) to those who receive it. By its power, the soul is awakened from the slumber of death, unto the Spirit of life that is found in Christ. This is the grace that is extended to all believers, and is the foundation of our salvation.

Another aspect of grace is our calling to be priests in the new covenant, under the order of Melchizedek, not Aaron. As priests, we are called to a life of service and devotion to God, and to be a living sacrifice for Him. We are also reminded that God resists the proud but gives more grace to the humble. Therefore, it is important to be mindful of our attitudes and actions, and to approach God with humility and a contrite spirit.

The apostle Paul in his letters to the Ephesians and Corinthians, emphasized the importance of using each moment to draw nigh unto God through prayer, especially in tongues, preaching which is the hearing of the mystery of Christ by an apostle (that's me Apostle Mo) and the measure of grace given to me for my calling,(that's God). We are so thankful for the Truth and Spirit, for by them the fruit of the Spirit is formed in us.

In conclusion, grace is a powerful force that brings salvation, illumination, enlightenment, and spiritual transformation to those who receive it. As believers, we are called to live in the power of grace, to be obedient to God's calling and to be thankful for the Truth and Spirit that lead us to a deeper relationship with God.

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