The Power of Grace: The Key Ingredient in the Recipe of Regeneration

Grace is the power of God towards us, that enables us to experience all that He has for us. When we receive grace through faith, we are declared righteous in the eyes of God. This binary relationship between grace and faith is the cornerstone of our salvation and forms the foundation of our new covenant priesthood.

Sanctification is the process by which we are set apart for God’s holy purposes. It begins with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which gives us access to the tool of speaking in tongues. Tongues is a powerful tool that allows us to communicate directly with God and to be filled with His Spirit. When we pray in tongues, we are not only speaking to God, but we are also being transformed from the inside out.

The Holy Spirit helps us to grow in Christ-likeness, by washing us and renewing our minds. This is called the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the mind. The Holy Spirit helps us to see things from God’s perspective and to think like Him. This is the foundation of our transformation and our ability to serve as a royal priest in the new covenant.

The 12 elements of the gospel work synergistically to form Christ in us. These elements are grace, faith, righteousness, justification, sanctification, holiness, peace, rest, charity, truth, regeneration, and the renewing of the mind. Each of these elements plays a unique and important role in our transformation and growth in Christ.

Just like a great cake recipe needs all of the ingredients to be effective, all 12 elements of the gospel, their definitions and operations, are necessary to make the power of God effectual in us. We cannot ignore or downplay any of these elements, if we want to experience the fullness of what God has for us.

In conclusion, grace is the foundation of our salvation, and when we receive it by faith, we are declared righteous in the eyes of God. Sanctification, the process by which we are set apart for God’s holy purposes, begins with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which gives us access to the tool of speaking in tongues. The 12 elements of the gospel work synergistically to form Christ in us, and when we embrace all of them, we can serve God as a royal priest in the new covenant.

It is important to note that the process of being formed into the image of Christ is ongoing. As we continue to use the tools of the Spirit and allow grace to work in our lives, we will experience ongoing cycles of growth and transformation. With each cycle, we become more like Christ and closer to the Father.

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact me at I am here to support and assist you on your journey to become like Christ.

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