Eternal Spiritual Blessings: The Power of Participating in the New Covenant Priesthood

The New Covenant Priesthood is the spiritual office of every believer in Christ. It is a priesthood that is not based on human lineage or tradition but on the faith and obedience of those who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. As priests in this priesthood, believers have access to eternal spiritual blessings that are far more valuable than the temporal blessings of the gospel of the flesh. In this article, we will explore the power of participation in the New Covenant Priesthood through praying in tongues, preaching, and prophecy.

The New Covenant Priesthood

The New Covenant Priesthood is a spiritual office that was established by Jesus Christ when He died on the cross and rose again. It is a priesthood that is not based on the old covenant law or the Levitical priesthood but on the new covenant of grace. In this new covenant, every believer is a priest unto God and has direct access to Him through the blood of Jesus Christ.

The Priesthood of All Believers

The priesthood of all believers is a fundamental teaching of the New Testament. It teaches that every believer is a priest unto God and has direct access to Him through Jesus Christ. This means that there is no need for an intermediary or a human priest to access God.

The Royal Priesthood

The royal priesthood is another term used to describe the New Covenant Priesthood. It emphasizes the regal and kingly nature of the priesthood. As priests, believers are co-heirs with Christ and have been made kings and priests unto God.

Praying in Tongues

Praying in tongues is one of the spiritual gifts that is available to believers in the New Covenant Priesthood. It is the ability to pray in a language that is not understood by the speaker but is understood by God. This gift is given to edify the believer and to build up the church.


Praying in tongues is a powerful tool for personal edification. It allows the Holy Spirit to pray through the believer in a language that bypasses the limitations of the mind and intellect. This type of prayer can bring a deep sense of peace and joy to the believer.

Building Up the Church

Praying in tongues can also be used to build up the church. When the gift of tongues is used in a corporate setting, it can be interpreted by someone with the gift of interpretation. This interpretation will edify the church and bring a greater sense of unity and purpose.


Preaching is another aspect of the New Covenant Priesthood. It is the hearing of the mystery of Christ from the apostles’ office. Preaching is not just a matter of sharing information, but it is the proclamation of the gospel with the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Power of Preaching

The power of preaching comes from the Holy Spirit. It is not the eloquence or the charisma of the preacher that makes preaching powerful but the anointing of the Holy Spirit. When the Word of God is preached under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, it has the power to change lives and transform societies.

Preaching the Mystery of Christ

The mystery of Christ is the gospel of the grace of God. It is the revelation of God’s plan to reconcile the world to Himself through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This mystery was hidden from the ages but has now been revealed to the apostles and prophets by the Holy Spirit.


Prophecy is another aspect of the New Covenant Priesthood. It is the ability to speak forth the Word of God under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Prophecy is not just predicting the future but it is the proclamation of the mind and heart of God.

The Purpose of Prophecy

The purpose of prophecy is to edify, exhort, and comfort the church. When a prophetic word is spoken, it can bring a deep sense of peace and comfort to the believer. It can also be used to encourage and strengthen the church in their faith.

The Prophetic Office

The prophetic office is another aspect of the New Covenant Priesthood. It is a spiritual gift that is given to believers to speak forth the Word of God under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The prophetic office is not just a gift but it is also a calling.

Temporal Blessings of the Gospel of the Flesh

The gospel of the flesh is the message of the world. It is a message that is focused on temporal blessings such as health, wealth, and prosperity. It is a message that promises happiness and success in this life.

The Limitations of Temporal Blessings

The limitations of temporal blessings are evident. They are fleeting and temporary. They cannot satisfy the deep longing of the human heart for purpose and meaning. The gospel of the flesh promises much but delivers little.

The Danger of Idolatry

The danger of the gospel of the flesh is idolatry. When temporal blessings become the focus of our lives, they can become idols that take the place of God. They can become the source of our identity and security.

Eternal Spiritual Blessings

The New Covenant Priesthood offers eternal spiritual blessings that are far more valuable than the temporal blessings of the gospel of the flesh. These blessings are available to every believer who participates in the priesthood through praying in tongues, preaching, and prophecy.

The Value of Eternal Spiritual Blessings

The value of eternal spiritual blessings is immeasurable. They bring true joy, peace, and fulfillment to the human heart. They satisfy the deep longing for purpose and meaning. They give us a hope that transcends this life.

The Importance of Participation in the New Covenant Priesthood

Participation in the New Covenant Priesthood is essential for every believer who desires to experience eternal spiritual blessings. It is through participation in the priesthood that we have access to the fullness of the blessings that God has for us.


In conclusion, the New Covenant Priesthood offers eternal spiritual blessings that are far more valuable than the temporal blessings of the gospel of the flesh. Participation in the priesthood through praying in tongues, preaching, and prophecy is essential for every believer who desires to experience these blessings. Let us not be satisfied with the temporal blessings of the world but let us pursue the eternal spiritual blessings that are available to us through the New Covenant Priesthood.


  1. What is the New Covenant Priesthood?
  • The New Covenant Priesthood is a spiritual office of every believer in Christ.
  1. What are the benefits of praying in tongues?
  • Praying in tongues can edify the believer and build up the church.
  1. What is the purpose of prophecy?
  • The purpose of prophecy is to edify, exhort, and comfort the church.
  1. What are the limitations of temporal blessings?
  • Temporal blessings are fleeting and temporary, and they cannot satisfy the deep longing of the human heart for purpose and meaning.
  1. Why is participation in the New Covenant Priesthood important?
  • Participation in the New Covenant Priesthood is essential for every believer who desires to experience eternal spiritual blessings.

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